Sage Payroll UKI Ideas Portal


Employees deserve an explanation on their payslips if the payment or deduction deviates! Why do you have a payslip message entry section that does not appear in full on any payslip? Why is your payslip more simplistic that any other payroll provider in Ireland - Bright, Collsoft, your own Sage50?! Employees like more detail on the employer that most payslips have as standard - Employer name, address, employer tax registration no, payroll dept contact details email and phone no. - why does your template have absolutely no details other than company name? This is helpful if employees are asked to provide payslip to third parties.

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  • Aug 26 2024
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  • Guest commented
    August 26, 2024 12:06

    In addition, employees like more detail on the employer that most payslips have as standard - Employer name, address, employer tax registration no, payroll dept contact details email and phone no. - why does your template have absolutely NO details?